Sunday, December 4, 2011

sunday [not so] funday

there's a fine line between saturday night

and sunday morning.

pictures of real people throwing up is gross & immature. this,
on the other hand, is art.
she does clean up nicely, though. i'll give
her that.

moody mudra,
in full effect.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

moodivation #3: people who look like this

happy victoria's secret fashion show!!

seriously though, mad respect for these girls. i got pissed off when i had to take communion pictures with my family. can't imagine that torturous ordeal with 100lb wings.

my advice? watch through a "real people don't look like this" lens. also, mtv's "i used to be fat" is currently on, so switching to that when your self-worth plummets works pretty well. also, it's fun to switch back & forth and witness the ironic juxtaposition.

i wish one of the victoria's secret girls used to be fat. THAT would be a show.

moody mudra,
in full effect. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

moody monday: mindfully moody

my sister posted this on my facebook wall because she said it reminded her of me. precious, right?? ugh, it's such a burden to think so distortedly.

this is your right brain on drugs. left brains are overrated, and
usually corporate & math friendly. gross.

moody mudra,
in full effect. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

sunday funday: sundae phunday

no but seriously, what the hell are we even DOING here?

haha i'm kidddinggg, relaxxxxx. i'm just bored, so i figured i'd give the whole "pondering the meaning of life" thing a try. overrated.

all you need to know is this: "life may be not only meaningless but absurd." -thomas nagel.
nagel, you rock. and not only because your last name rhymes with bagel. [but that helps a lot.]

i came to nagel's meaningless & absurd conclusion when i was six-years-old and discovered my tootsie pop was missing the tootsie. 

also, every time i'm hungover or there are no good songs on the radio. and whenever i'm blogging about the meaning of life.

[insert melodramatic, emo-kid-off-his-antidepressants s i g h here.]

moody mudra,
in full effect. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

paint it black friday

AMERICA, land of the free[dom to act affirmatively].

mmmm. smells like gluttony & regret.

ahh, the aroma of the day after thanksgiving... commonly known as black friday, less commonly (but more accurately) known as i-don't-know-what-i-hate-more-my-food-baby-or-my-hangover-from-getting-bombed-at-my-family-party.

pilgrim women are notoriously prudent, which explains
this little guy's pissy face.

the food baby will pass, but the shame you feel from getting wine tears [similar to beer tears, but more sophisticated & tragic] with your grandfather about how your boyfriend caught you cheating and all your friends took your boyfriend's side and someone wrote an anonymous & nasty blog post about you... that'll take a little longer to subside. please keep in mind that this is all hypothetical. i would never get caught.]

in the wise words of elle woods, WE DID IT!! happy day after thanks[forthefourthhelping]giving. i hope you did your country proud & consumed enough calories to nurse a starving african child back to health.

moody mudra,
in full effect.